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Do You Know Your Love Language?

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, we are all different. Have you noticed there are some people in your life that are “huggers” and others that have a large personal bubble? This could be because of how they interpret love and affection. Showing love to people can be confusing to navigate. This is where love languages come in. Based on the book, love languages are categorized on how one wants to receive and interpret love. It then creates a road map in relationships and encourages the relationship to grow.

The five love language:

  1. Words of affirmation: verbally communicating love and appreciation, complimenting them, using active listening skills, write a note or letter to them.
  2. Quality time: Giving them undivided attention, spending time doing a favorite activity or errands together, go on a date
  3. Acts of service: Help them around the house and chores, bring them a drink of water, going out of your way to help
  4. Physical touch: use of body language, holding hands, hugging, closeness
  5. Receiving gifts: Thoughtful gifts, gestures, or surprises.

While there are actions that complement love languages, there are also actions that can be hurtful based on these languages.

Things to avoid:

  1. Words of affirmation: not recognizing efforts, using unkind words.
  2. Quality time: Distractions during quality time (phones, work, etc), not having one-on-one time.
  3. Acts of service: Not following through on tasks
  4. Physical touch: Too much distance
  5. Receiving gifts: Forgetting special occasions, not being thoughtful with gift

By understanding other’s and our own love language, communication and understanding are better improved.  It is important to note that when expressing love to people in our lives, it is most effective to utilize actions that reflect the love language of the person we want to show love to.